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    Find the best treatment for chronic headaches in New York City when the pain begins to interfere with your ability to perform everyday tasks, sleep, work without interruption and play effectively. Find top-notch chronic headache treatment in New York at Pain Management NYC. An exceptional chronic headache specialist diagnoses your symptoms and creates the most effective chronic headache treatment plan for you.

    What Are Chronic Headaches?

    Chronic headaches involve head pain that occurs frequently, at least 15 days per month for three months or longer.

    Headaches come in many different types, such as:

    Chronic headaches affect your physical, mental and emotional well-being, making it hard to work, socialize and enjoy life. They may also lead to depression, anxiety and other health problems. Find the best treatment for chronic headaches at Pain Management NYC, a medical practice with chronic headache specialists who offer the most advanced chronic headache treatments in New York City.

    These medical professionals employ a comprehensive and personalized approach to diagnose and treat headaches. They rely on a combination of interventional procedures, regenerative therapies, infusion treatments and complementary therapies. Your treatment is targeted to your needs.

    What Causes Chronic Headaches?

    The exact cause of chronic headaches varies from person to person, and sometimes it may not be clear. One of the major causes is the activation of the trigeminal nerve, a major nerve that sends sensory information from the head and face to the brain.
    Another cause is muscle tension in the head and neck, which is caused by stress, bad posture or eye strain. Hormonal changes, such as those that occur during menstruation, pregnancy or menopause also cause chronic headaches.

    Other causes include:

    Infections and neurological problems can lead to chronic headaches too. Your doctor may order further diagnostic tests such as MRI or CT scans to determine if you suffer from nerve pain or nerve damage in the form of:

    Neuropathies that create issues in the nerve signals also can lead to debilitating headaches that just won’t go away with over-the-counter medicine.

    Common neuropathies that lead to the need for chronic headache specialists include:

    Causes of Chronic Headaches

    What Are the Risk Factors for Chronic Headaches?

    Some of the possible factors that increase your risk of developing chronic headaches include stress. Stress triggers or worsens headaches by activating the trigeminal nerve. In addition to carrying nerve sensations from your face to your brain, it also controls some of the muscles involved in chewing. It has three branches: the ophthalmic, the maxillary and the mandibular nerve. Triggering it causes muscle tension or affects your hormones.

    Lack of sleep or poor sleep quality also increases vulnerability to chronic headaches. Sleep deprivation affects your brain chemistry, immune system and pain perception, making you more prone to headaches.

    Other risk factors include:

    What’s the Best Treatment for Chronic Headaches?

    Pain Management NYC offers a comprehensive and personalized approach to chronic headache treatment. They evaluate your condition, identify your triggers and recommend the best treatment for chronic headaches for you. They also provide ongoing support and follow-up care to ensure your optimal outcome.

    The best treatment for chronic headaches depends on the type, cause and severity of your pain, as well as your personal preferences and medical history. Your chronic headache specialist uses a combined approach to ensure they also manage the underlying cause of chronic headaches.

    The treatments offered include:

    Why Choose Pain Management NYC for Chronic Headache Treatments?

    At Pain Management NYC, you find the best solution for your chronic headaches and improve your quality of life. This medical practice has a team of board-certified pain specialists who offer the latest and most advanced pain management treatments in New York City.

    Pain Management NYC is the ideal medical provider for chronic headache treatments because:

    Don’t let chronic headaches disrupt your life. Contact Pain Management NYC today to schedule an appointment with a chronic headache specialist and start your journey to pain relief.

    Page Modified on Jan 15, 2024 by Dr. Boleslav Kosharskyy, MD (Pain Management Doctor)
    Boleslav Kosharskyy, MD | Interventional Pain Management Doctor in New York City

    Boleslav Kosharskyy, MD, is a top-rated, best-in-class interventional pain management doctor. He is board-certified in Anesthesiology, Interventional Pain Medicine, and Palliative Care.

    Dr. Kosharskyy is an Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Rehabilitation Medicine at Albert Einstein Medical College. He’s also the Associate Medical Director of Pain Medicine and Director of Anesthesia for the Joint Replacement Center at Montefiore Medical Center and Albert Einstein Medical College.

    He is an active member of the American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA), the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA), and the New York State Society of Anesthesiologists (NYSSA)

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    The information on this website is to provide a general information. In no way does any of the information provided reflect a definitive treatment advice. It is important to consult a best in class pain management specialist in NYC regarding ANY questions or issues. A thorough evaluation should ALWAYS be performed for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. Be sure to call your pain doctor in Manhattan, to schedule a consultation.