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    Carpal tunnel syndrome has become more prevalent as more and more people communicate via devices that require keyboarding skills. Constant use of your hands and fingers on these devices and other tasks you do with your hands can lead to pain and a need for the best doctor for carpal tunnel syndrome near me in New York City. Call the expert carpal tunnel syndrome specialist at Pain Management NYC for a consultation.

    What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

    Carpal tunnel syndrome develops when you put abnormal pressure on the median nerve. This nerve detects sensations and controls movements of the thumb and the first three fingers. When the median nerve is pinched, it causes pain, loss of sensation and weakness in that hand and fingers.

    This syndrome can cause permanent limb damage, loss of hand function and disability if you don’t get effective treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome. Find the best doctor for carpal tunnel syndrome near me in New York City as soon as possible to ensure you maintain full use of your hands.

    At Pain Management NYC, team of carpal tunnel syndrome specialists with extensive experience delivers carpal tunnel syndrome treatment. These doctors also offer a variety of treatment options for other nerve pain disorders. Visit specialists who provide personalized care and follow-up services to ensure your optimal recovery and rehabilitation.

    Signs of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

    Sometimes, the median nerve gets squeezed or pressed by the surrounding tissues. This nerve is responsible for the feeling and movement of the thumb and the index, middle and ring fingers on each hand. It’s contained in a narrow passageway of bones and ligaments called the carpal tunnel located in the wrist. Through this tunnel, the median nerve travels from the arm to the hand.

    When squeezed, it results in pain, numbness, tingling and weakness in the hand and fingers, and eventually carpal tunnel syndrome. Some people are more likely to develop carpal tunnel syndrome than others, more so people who do tasks that involve heavy use of the wrists.

    Various factors can cause or contribute to carpal tunnel syndrome, such as:

    Do I Need Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

    The symptoms of this disorder take different forms and they usually start gradually and worsen over time. These symptoms are aggravated when the wrist is bent or flexed, such as when driving, reading or using a computer. They may also be triggered by cold temperatures, vibration or stress. The symptoms may affect one or both hands, but they’re usually more severe in your dominant hand.

    Signs of the condition include:

    What Are the Complications of Untreated Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

    While carpal tunnel syndrome is not a life-threatening condition, it affects your quality of life and ability to perform daily activities if you don’t get the proper carpal tunnel syndrome treatments. Therefore, it’s important to find a carpal tunnel specialist as soon as you notice any signs of pain on the back of your hand. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent further damage and improve your outcome. If you ignore the symptoms and don’t seek out a carpal tunnel syndrome doctor, you may face some serious consequences including severe neuropathy in your hands.

    This damage may be permanent and irreversible and cause:

    How Do You Diagnose Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

    You need a diagnosis to make sure you have carpal tunnel syndrome before you seek treatment. Your doctor therefore starts by asking about your medical history and tests to determine your definitive diagnosis.

    A Tinel’s test tells your doctor if you have compressed a median nerve. A positive sign creates a tingling sensation in the fingers. Another test, the Phelan test, targets carpal tunnel syndrome for your doctor’s diagnosis.

    Additional tests you may need include:

    What Treatments Are Available from he Best Doctor for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

    Carpal tunnel syndrome treatments depend on the severity and duration of your symptoms, as well as your overall health. The main goals of treatment are to relieve the pressure on the median nerve, reduce the pain and numbness and restore the function of your hand and wrist.
    Pain Management NYC has different effective treatment options for various nerve and pain disorders such as compression neuropathy, peripheral neuropathy and diabetic neuropathy.

    The options your carpal tunnel syndrome doctor may recommend include:

    At Pain Management NYC, nerve and pain disorder specialists help you find the best solution for your condition. They offer a comprehensive and individualized approach to diagnosis and treatment, using the latest technology and techniques. Don’t let carpal tunnel syndrome disrupt your productivity. Contact Pain Management NYC today to schedule an appointment with one of the carpal tunnel syndrome specialists and get the relief you seek.

    Page Modified on Jan 25, 2024 by Dr. Boleslav Kosharskyy, MD (Pain Management Doctor)
    Boleslav Kosharskyy, MD | Interventional Pain Management Doctor in New York City

    Boleslav Kosharskyy, MD, is a top-rated, best-in-class interventional pain management doctor. He is board-certified in Anesthesiology, Interventional Pain Medicine, and Palliative Care.

    Dr. Kosharskyy is an Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Rehabilitation Medicine at Albert Einstein Medical College. He’s also the Associate Medical Director of Pain Medicine and Director of Anesthesia for the Joint Replacement Center at Montefiore Medical Center and Albert Einstein Medical College.

    He is an active member of the American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA), the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA), and the New York State Society of Anesthesiologists (NYSSA)

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    The information on this website is to provide a general information. In no way does any of the information provided reflect a definitive treatment advice. It is important to consult a best in class pain management specialist in NYC regarding ANY questions or issues. A thorough evaluation should ALWAYS be performed for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. Be sure to call your pain doctor in Manhattan, to schedule a consultation.