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    Although you rarely think about the mechanics involved in ordinary everyday activities, you suddenly notice when they become painful. Your rotator cuff can severely limit your shoulder flexibility when it’s damaged. The most effective treatment for a rotator cuff injury starts with a careful exam performed at the best pain clinic in Midtown: Pain Management NYC. You receive personalized service from nationally recognized pain doctors who know the best treatment for rotator cuff injury.

    Your shoulder joint — and the accompanying bones and socket — are held in place by a set of muscles and tendons known as the rotator cuff. When you injure these soft tissues, they produce a constant dull ache that intensifies when you lay on your injured side. Risk factors for rotator cuff injury include age and repetitive motions, especially overhead motions. Hobbies or jobs that require constant reaching often aggravate the wear-and-tear that precedes the need for rotator cuff injury treatment.

    If a single incident injures your shoulder, seek medical help as quickly as possible in case a rotator cuff tear requires surgery or other more aggressive treatment. Doctors at the top injury pain clinic in Manhattan are available for emergency appointments.

    Causes of a Rotator Cuff Injury

    Progressive deterioration from repetitive activities and wear-and-tear over time are the most common causes of a rotator cuff injury. Certain risk factors increase the chance of developing the need for treatment for a rotator cuff injury, including:

    If you suspect a rotator cuff injury, seek treatment right away. Although it’s part of the recovery process to rest injured tissue, keeping the shoulder completely immobile can stiffen ligaments or reduce muscle strength and lead to a weakened or permanently stiffened joint.

    Symptoms Requiring Treatment for a Rotator Cuff Injury

    The symptoms of a rotator cuff injury can be a bit varied, but usually include:

    Knowing how to complete careful strengthening and stretching exercises can keep your shoulder loose while it heals. Talk to your pain doctor at Pain Management NYC to get the best advice so your shoulder heals completely.

    Diagnosis of a Rotator Cuff Injury

    Your injury doctor in New York relies on the most advanced diagnostic tools to determine the extent of your rotator cuff injury. While conducting a physical exam, your pain specialist may move your arm in different positions or press on key areas while testing the strength of your shoulder and arm muscles. Occasionally, he may order imaging tests such as an ultrasound, MRI or x-ray to determine if there are physical abnormalities that may be the source of your discomfort.

    Tests and imaging are used to get the clearest picture possible of your injury or condition. Knowing what activities aggravate your pain and what provides relief help your doctor develop the best treatment plan for your rotator cuff injury.

    What Is the Best Treatment for a Rotator Cuff Injury?

    The best pain specialists in NYC in Midtown always start with the most conservative treatment options possible. These include rest, moderated activity and possibly over-the-counter pain relievers, along with hot and cold packs for inflammation and pain. More severe injuries require rotator cuff injury treatments that include:

    If you have a tear in your rotator cuff, surgery may be your best treatment option. Shoulder surgery can repair or replace damaged tissue, allowing you to return to an active lifestyle and pain-free sleep. Contact the best interventional pain doctors today, regarding your rotator cuff injury.

    Page Modified on Dec 11, 2023 by Dr. Leon Reyfman, MD (Pain Management Doctor)
    Leon Reyfman, MD | Interventional Pain Management Doctor in New York City

    Leon Reyfman, MD, is a top-rated, best-in-class interventional pain management doctor. He is a nationally recognized pain relief specialist and is among the top pain care doctors in New York City and the country. He is an award-winning expert and contributor to prominent media outlets.

    Dr. Leon Reyfman has been recognized for his thoughtful, thorough, modern approach to treating chronic pain. He has been named a “top pain management doctor in New York” and one of “America’s Top Doctors™” for advanced sports injury treatments. Among other accolades, he was voted by peers as a “Castle Connolly Top Doctors™” and “New York Super Doctors™”. Dr. Leon Reyfman was a part of the medical team at the 2016 Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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    The information on this website is to provide a general information. In no way does any of the information provided reflect a definitive treatment advice. It is important to consult a best in class pain management specialist in NYC regarding ANY questions or issues. A thorough evaluation should ALWAYS be performed for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. Be sure to call your pain doctor in Manhattan, to schedule a consultation.